Our Nursery
We offer Suziblue and Georgia Dawn Blueberries, as well as other varieties. We are a fully licensed propagator of Blueberry plants with a full service nursery. Place your order today.
Blueberry Bush Varieties
Suziblue is an early season highbush variety Georgia Dawn is a Southern Highbush with good
with firm large fruit. Suziblue has performed plant vigor with an upright growth habit and narrow
very well in trials in both south and middle Georgia. crown. This variety is very early ripening and pairs
Plants of Suziblue are self-fertile, but using a well with Rebel for cross-pollination.
companion variety to enhance pollination and Georgia Dawn™ has medium to large berries
berry size is recommended. Rebel is suggested with good flavor. It has good fruit scar and firmness.
as a companion.